Grinding and Wearing Teeth

Teeth grinding is a common condition where individuals clench or grind their teeth involuntarily, mostly when sleeping. 

If you have any signs of teeth grinding, it is important to seek help from a dental professional.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism):
Causes and Treatments

Teeth grinding, otherwise known as bruxism, is a condition in which a person unconsciously grinds or clenches their teeth, typically during sleep. It is connected to stress and can cause severe pain in the jaw muscles and some other areas of the body.

The exact cause of grinding teeth is not known, but, it often occurs in people who are experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety. Other factors that may contribute to grinding teeth include sleep disorders, certain medications, and drinking too much alcohol or being too caffeinated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bruxism is a condition which occurs when there is chronic grinding of the teeth during sleep. It may cause headaches, jaw pain and sensitivity to teeth, as well as possible damage.

A dentist can diagnose it by examining the teeth and jaw for signs of wear and damage. They may also ask about lifestyle habits, such as sleeping habits, that may be associated with bruxism.

People with bruxism may find it more difficult to cope with stress and avoid alcohol and caffeine. They should consider other ways to relax such as meditation or exercise just before bed

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The Benefits


Bruxism is also known as grinding your teeth, and it can result in a wide variety of uncomfortable symptoms including headaches, muscle pain and soreness.


Healing bruxism may improve sleep quality by minimizing the noise and pain caused by nighttime grinding and clenching.


Bruxism can cause serious stress to the TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) and is also a risk factor for TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders). By decreasing the clenching and grinding, it is possible to reduce the severity of both conditions.


Healing Bruxism can help to save and preserve the natural teeth while preventing further damage to enamel, tooth structure, and gums.

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